Learn Languages with the Assimil Method.

If you are seeking an effective way to learn a new language, the Assimil Method stands out as an innovative and proven option. Let’s explore together how this method can revolutionize your language learning journey.

learn language with assimil

What is the Assimil Method? A Natural Language Immersion

The Assimil Method, devised by Alphonse Chérel in the roaring ’20s, is much more than a simple language course. It is based on the philosophy of natural assimilation, mirroring the way we learn our mother tongue. This innovative approach proposes a gradual immersion into the language, combining authentic texts and practical exercises.

Double-Page Structure: The Key to Success

One of the distinctive features of the Method is its double-page structure. Each lesson presents an original text in the language to be learned on the left, with the translation in the mother tongue on the right. This intuitive design allows for contextual understanding without resorting to complex explanations.

Gradual Learning: The Art of Repetition

The Assimil Method adopts a gradual progression, introducing new concepts and vocabulary judiciously. The key to success lies in constant repetition. This allows for the natural assimilation of content, transforming it into lasting language knowledge.

Diverse Resources for Every Learning Style

In addition to textbooks, the Assimil Method offers a wide range of resources, including audio CDs, mobile apps, and online support. This variety enables students to access the language in different ways, ensuring comprehensive and engaging learning.

Global Adaptability: Accessible to All

One of the strengths of the Assimil Method is its adaptability. Regardless of the starting or target language, it is designed for everyone. Specific editions for different native languages make this method accessible to a global audience.

Conclusion: Invest in Your Linguistic Success with the Assimil Method

In conclusion, if you want to learn a new language effectively and enduringly, the Assimil Method is the answer. Its intuitive structure, gradual learning approach”



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